středa 19. února 2025

British vs. American English


American vs. British Pronunciation

Rhotic vs. Non-Rhotic Accents

  • American English is rhotic, which means speakers pronounce the "r" at the end of words.
    • Example: car → /kɑr/
  • British English (especially Received Pronunciation, RP) is non-rhotic, meaning the "r" is silent unless followed by a vowel (a,e,i,o,u etc.)
    • Example: car → /kɑː/

Different Accents in Each Country

  • 🇺🇸 American Accents:
  • General American

Clear and Even Speech – No strong regional accent
Rhotic (Pronounces "R")Car"Car" (not "Cah")
Flat "A" SoundCat sounds the same as in most English dialects
No Dropped Letters – "T" and "H" are clearly pronounced


  • Southern drawl
    Slow & Relaxed Speech – Words are stretched out

Long Vowel Sounds"ride""raaahd"
Dropping "G""Going""Goin’


  • Boston, New England

 Non-Rhotic ("R"-Dropping)"Car""Cah"
 Broad "A" Sounds"Park""Pahk"
 "Ah" Instead of Short "O""Boston""Bahstin"
Fast, Clipped Speech – Sounds quick and direct


Noah Webster and American Spelling

Noah Webster simplified American spelling, making words shorter and easier to write. This also influenced pronunciation!

  • 🇬🇧 British: Colour
  • 🇺🇸 American: Color



středa 15. ledna 2025

At the doctor

Listening 1

Listening 2


Vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 2

Vocabulary and phrases

Video lessons



It´s two o'clock.  Jsou dvě hodiny. 2:00 - o'clock pouze u celé hodiny!
It´s quarter past two. doslova: Je čtvrt po druhé. / česky: Je čtvrt na tři. 2:15
It's half past two.  doslova: Je půl po druhé. / česky: Je půl třetí. 2:30
It's quarter to three. doslova: Je čtvrt do třetí. / česky: Je tři čtvrtě na tři. 2:45
It´s three o'clock.  Jsou tři hodiny. 3:00

on Monday - v pondělí (s dny požíváme předložku on - on Friday, on Easter Monday,...)
at 7 o'clock - v sedm hodin ( s časem používáme předložku at - at half past five, at quarter to one)
I have got / I've got - já mám
We have got / We've got - my máme

Obrázek vysvětlení

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5


úterý 14. ledna 2025

Sloveso mít - have got

I have got - I've got - Já mám
You have got - You've got - Ty máš
He has got - He's got - On má
She has got - She's got - Ona má
It has got - It's got - To má
We have got - We've got - My máme
You have got - You've got - Vy máte
They have got - They've got - Oni mají

I have not got - I have't got - Já nemám
You have not  got - You haven't got - Ty nemáš
He has not  got - He haven't got - On nemá
She has not got - She hasn't got - Ona nemá
It has not  got - It hasn't got - To nemá
We have not got - We haven't got - My nemáme
You have not got - You haven't got - Vy nemáte
They have not  got - They haven't got - Oni nemají

Have I got? - Mám (já) ?
Have you got? - Máš (ty)?
Has he got? - Má (on)?
Has she got? - Má (ona)?
Has it got? - Máš (to)?
Have we got? -  Máme (my)?
Have you got? - Máte (vy)?
Have they got? - Mají (oni)?

Yes, (I, you, we they) have.
Yes, (he she it) has.
No, (I, you, we they) haven't.
No, (he she it) hasn't.

Have got - sloveso mít - Quizlet Vocabulary  (match)